Our partners University of Bergen and University of Derby represented 2PS project at IATSO Conference 2023.
2PS speech at IATSO Conference 2023
2PS delegation participated at the IATSO Conference 2o23 in Trondheim, Norway, to contribute to the discussion about sex offenders’ treatments.
In particular, expert and task leader Agatha Chronos from University of Bergen presented the results of “The Treatment Needs and Experiences of Pedohebephiles – A Systematic Review“.
The research was part of the activities to align prevention to the mental health needs of people with a sexual interest in children.
The broader scope of the review is to increase the understanding of the prevention landscape. Indeed, 2PS is carring out a literature review on the mental health needs and barriers to treatment of people with a sexual interest in children. Additionally to the review, a meta-analysis on the differences between offending and non-offending people with a sexual interest in children will inform therapeutic work, research and policy making.
The review was written in collaboration with Dr. Sara Jahnke from Universiy of Bergen and Dr. Nicholas Blagden from University of Derby.
Visit the Project overview page to learn more about 2PS outcomes.
IATSO Organisation
IATSO is an international non-profit organisation committed to the promotion of research of treatment for sexual offenders throughout the world.
The acronym stands for International Association for the Treatment of Sexual Offenders.
It was founded on 1998 in Caracas, Venezuela during the 5th International Conference on the Treatment of Sex Offenders.
Its goals are to sponsorship the biennial International Conferences on the Treatment of Sexual Offenders. The Conferences disseminate new research, treatment methods and continuing education. IATSO takes care of the advocacy of humane, dignified, comprehensive, ethical and effective treatment of sexual offenders throughout the world.
Visit the official webpage to know more about the organisation.
IATSO Conference 2023
The 17th IATSO Conference took place August 30th to September 1st, 2023 in Trondheim, Norway.
The theme of the conference was “Sex offender treatment in a lifespan perspective“. Indeed, to meet the complexity of sexual offending behavior, it is necessary to have a lifespan perspective.
Specifically, the Conference highlighted the new challenges from social media and from children and adolescents with harmful sexual behavior.
Visit the official website to learn more about the topics discussed.