2PS event

2PS is organising a workshop on 22 January 2024 for assessing support services for people at risk of committing CSAE

The main goal is to discuss the current effectiveness of national and local policies and assess together the success and efficacy of existing risk assessment tools, treatment and support programs for people at risk of committing CSAE

Save the date and keep following 2PS channels (LinkedIn and X) to book your seat! 



How you will contribute to assess support services for people at risk of committing CSAE


This initiative is part of the current practices review and widening activities within the 2PS project, led by the University of the West of England.

The workshop aims at reflecting on the two key strands of providing services to people at risk of committing a sexual offense: practice and policy.

Indeed, the workshop will represent a chance to think of ethical challenges and potential risks related to practice and about a potential risk safety plan that can exist locally, nationally and transnationally.

Specifically, participants will be fundamental for identifying needs and challenges of national and local policies, share best practices, and framing the interventions and the research by determining key performance indicators and measures of success.



Practical information about 2PS event


The one-day workshop will take place on 22 January 2024, from 9:00 until 16:00. 

The event will take place in the Bristol Business School, at the University of the West of England, Room 4X112. View directions (opens in a new tab) to the Frenchay campus.

This will be an occasion  to meet with colleagues from across Europe to discuss:

(1) the current effectiveness of national and local policies

(2) assess the success and efficacy of:

  • existing risk assessment tools,
  • treatment and
  • support programs for people at risk of committing Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation.





Part 1 – morning: current effectiveness of national and local policies

This will focus around:

  • Identifying need and justifying resource/implementation
  • Navigating the ethics of service provision
  • National and local challenges (legal, social, political, technological)
  • National and local good practice
  • Engaging the service user, professionals, policymakers, and the public in service development, implementation, and maintenance


Part 2 – afternoon: determining the success and efficacy of existing risk assessment tools, treatment and support programs

This will focus around:

  • Framing the intervention and what this means for data collection and evaluation.
  • Identifying key performance indicators & measuring success
  • Research ethics, data protection, and criminal justice interventions
  • Research evaluation robustness and independence
  • Funding evaluation



How to participate


Registration is required to confirm attendance.  Deadline to register is  16 January 2024.

Seats are limited! Register now to not miss the chance.





Please visit the University of the West of England website to find useful information and suggestions on hotels near the Campus or in the city centre.